Aug 30, 2015
August 30, 2015; Song of Solomon 2:10-13, 8:6-7 For the text of this sermon, go to
Aug 23, 2015
August 23, 2015; excerpts from Ecclessiastes For the text of this sermon, go to and select the sermon button
Aug 16, 2015
August 16, 2015; Proverbs 8:22-36 For the text of this sermon, go to and select the sermon button
Aug 9, 2015
August 9, 2015; Proverbs 1:1-7, 3:1-8 For the text of this summer, go to
Aug 2, 2015
August 2, 2015; Genesis 27 For the text of this sermon, go to and select the sermon button