Feb 24, 2013
February 24, 2013; Luke 10:25-37 For the text of this sermon, go to www.unionuniversitychurch.org and select the sermon button.
Feb 17, 2013
February 17, 2013; Deuteronomy 6:4-9; Luke 10:25-28 For the text of this sermon, go to www.unionuniversitychurch.org and select the sermon button.
Feb 10, 2013
February 10, 2013; Luke 9:51-56 For the text of this sermon, go to www.unionuniversitychurch.org and select the sermon button
Feb 3, 2013
February 3, 2013; Luke 6:27-36 For the text of this sermon, go to www.unionuniversitychurch.org and select the sermon button